>> 1) Would it be possible to have outside the box a
>> number for each equation ?
> same as for standard formulas. hit ctrl-enter to
> get an array and than alt-m-n for numbering each
> line.
>> 2) Would it be possible to have a frame without
>> numbering at all.
> yes, alt-m-N toggles numbering for single rows
> and alt-m-n for all.
Sorry, I should have told that I've tried that before
writing here, it does not work :
-If I toggle numbering for all rows, or individual,
numbering appears inside the frame, AND one numbering
appears outside the box.
-If I want no numbering, there is still the one
outside the box which remains.
I should tell you too that my LyX version is 1.0.4
(? is this the problem)
>> 3) To optimize the size of the frame box, it was
>what is optimize? as wide as possible or something
To adjust the size of the frame to the size
of the equation the eqnarray is redefined :
{% code for \begin{}
The problem is that the multiline equations
for which I don't use the \mybox{...} function look
bad :
there are not centered anymore (they are left
and the numbering comes right after them.
(LyX version problem ?)
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