On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 18:09:02 +0200 (MET DST) wrote [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I want to use a database for the bibliography. What do you recommend to me?
> Edit by hand
Not really. (Still it is an advantage of bibtex, that you are able to do so
with any "normal" text editor.)
> tkbibtex
This would be my program of choice:
- higly configurable (both from a user-rc file or by changing the skript)
- easy and transparent in use
- easy installation (just one file!) (of course you need a running tcl/Tk)
- "push to Lyx" insertion of citations in LyX
> pybliographer (It's practical?)
Practical (becouse GUI) is pybliographic. Still
- more complex (in my opinion)
You see, my preference goes to tkbibtex (also, becouse I spend some months
on improving it, so no wonder it appeares to me as straightforward and "fit
to my needs").
Push to LyX is no longer so important, as with LyX 1.6 you have the
possibility to scan the database from within LyX (ok, for larger databases
the "find" utility of the abovementioned programs is nice to have)
Both, tkbibtex and pybliographer become slow for large databases:
For my previous institute I managed a large database with included abstacts
and annotations (ca. 800 entries, 18800 lines). Tkbibtex needs one minute to
read this in (and also long for full-text searches) and pybliographic is not
faster. (Becouse of the skripting-nature of both of them).
In this case, gbib (http://gbib.seul.org/) might be a good choice, it has
"push to LyX" as well.
Finally: I believe it is a matter of taste - try them and see what you like