On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 12:11:08AM -0400, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> "Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:
> > No, that's good enough.
> I just need "hyperref," right? What is the easiest way to install
> it in a near-stock RedHat 7.1 full install (just added LyX,
> TeTeX-LyX and XForms)?
I'm using RedHat 7.1 -- hyperref is already there, if you have the teTeX
stuff installed, which I expect you do.
> > The following code in your LaTeX preamble does most of what
> > I want (with LaTeX -> dvips ->ps2pdf). You can read the
> > hyperref docs for more info.
> The problem with "ps2pdf" is that it seems to not "preserve" the
> orientation of my paper. E.g., if I use FoilTeX and landscape for
> slides, the PDF will have the paper "portrait" with the output
> "sideways." It's fine for printing, but not for presentations.
> So I previously used "pdftex" but it didn't convert the EPS graphics
> before output (and lost them in the end result). Hence why the
> "tex2pdf" script was exactly what I needed -- and gives me both
> thumbnails and hyperlinks in the PDF. I get everything but the PDF
> bookmarks.
You *can* use pdftex if you do the conversion of the EPS graphics
yourself; the actual tex2pdf script uses "epstopdf" to do the
conversion. That way, you have two versions of the image file, the EPS
version and the PDF version. Then, when you include the image file in
your LyX document, just give it the name without the extension, and it
will pick the correct version of the file depending on what it's doing.
Version 1.1.6fix2 of LyX has fixed a bug with this, so that the image
displays correctly when you leave out the extension.
I did it this way myself, because the generated PDF file, if it was a
greyscale image, looked like a dog's breakfast if I used tex2pdf. But,
what they didn't tell one, is that you can use jpg and png files as
well... and since my greyscale images were originally jpg files in the
first place, I just used them. So I have the JPG file and the EPS file.
Kathryn Andersen
(like you, a LyX newbie on a steep learning curve)
"For wisdom is better than jewels,
and all that you may desire cannot compare with her." Proverbs 8:11
_--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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