>>> Thus I downloaded the expamle file from
>>> http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/table/vertical.html
>>> but I was not able to open it with Lyx 1.1.5fix1, because it crashed,
>>> when opening the file.
>>> Another question about this expample is the use of a table inside
>>> another table. I also tried this, but it looks like it only works on
>>> older versions of Lyx. Is there a workaround for this, because
>>> linebreaks within columns doesnīt work (or Iīm to dummy), because the
>>> linebreak affected the whole table and not only the column of interest.
>>I've encountered the same problem.
>>Try to nest a matrix (instead a table) inside the table.
>>It works fine.
>>Maybe Herbert could consider to update his useful lyx-tips with this
>Thanks, my first problem is almost fixed, but how can I change the
Math-font-Style for this
>specific math-inset to standard?
At the moment I wrote this, the answer showed up in the list: Just go
inside the matrix and change to math-mode. Thatīs it.
PS: Do you have any idea how to vertically center the text inside the cells
without your matrix-trick (for columns, there width of neighboring cells is
been fixed and linebreaks within these cells are done automatically)?