I´m sorry for asking this non-Lyx-question here, but I looked around and
couldn´t find an answer to my question. Maybe one of yours could help me

I´m managing my citations by using Sixpack´s pipe-feature for Lyx.
Everything is fine, exept for the style of the created reference.
I need a reference style, that looks like

A. Dödel, B. Dada
The secrets of the secrets
Secret Newspapers 36 (6), S. 120-123 (1999)

but I only found styles without any linebreaks. For example gerplain
works fine with me, exept for the missing linebreaks. I did some
dummy-style-hacking, but I only got a linebreak behind the author´s
name, that´s because I´m not used to the programming language and I hope
I don´t need to understand it completely (if there is a
ready-to-go-style ).
Thus I looked at


and a bunch of other sites, but I couldn´t find any linebreak-style or
information, how to add these linebreaks.

Could somebody point me to a location, there I can find a bibtex mailing
list or style-hacking howtos (for low level hackers)?



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