If have one problem concerning vertical centering in tables.

I tried the methods, I found at Herbert´s great page and also at this
mailing list:

I have a table of three column and one row.

1. I fixed the width of the first two columns to 20mm
2 Then I tried to set the valign to center by using
But the problem is, that I´m not able to activate the center-option.

Thus I downloaded the expamle file from


but I was not able to open it with Lyx 1.1.5fix1, because it crashed,
when opening the file.

Another question about this expample is the use of a table inside
another table. I also tried this, but it looks like it only works on
older versions of Lyx. Is there a workaround for this, because
linebreaks within columns doesn´t work (or I´m to dummy), because the
linebreak affected the whole table and not only the column of interest.

Thanks in advance


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