Guenter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anybody know, where I can find this file

It's in the LyX source distribution.

> and whether there are examplefiles also for other scripting
> languages (perl, slang, python)?

I have written a Perl class some time ago for this. Here is an example
of the usage:

use LyX::Client; 
$lyx->command("self-insert", "this should appear in LyX"); 

It can be downloaded from:

NOTE that I have currently no time to maintain it. It has worked for
me on a number of occasions but there is no guarantee that it will
work for you. I know for sure that it does not work on Solaris due to
file locking issues. 

Also, I wrote LyX::Client as part of a much bigger project (still in
the design stage unfortunately). For this reason it tries to be as
robust as possible (e.g. error detection, supports multiple clients
reading and writing to the lyxpipes), which also mean that it might be
overkill for some purposes. For very simple operation something like

 echo $COMMAND > ~/

(or its equivalnet in your favourite language) might be enough.

This said, you are welcome to download LyX::Client and tell me if it
works for you. It's GPL, so you can modify it at your own will. There
is also a fairly complete manual page.

Now that I think of it, I know the lyxrc file format has changed since
when I wrote the client. This may or may not cause trouble, I haven't
tried. It should not be difficult to modify the lyxrc function in
LyX::Client to reflect these changes.

Stefano Ghirlanda, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
  email: you know it already, tel: +46-8-164055, fax:+46-8-167715
 the free science campaign:

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