On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 01:20:57PM +0200, Yann Collete wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just installed lyx-1.1.6fix2 on a debian 2.2 workstation.
> No problem during compilation.
> When I try to export a document to latex, lyx seems to freeze.
> The sentence "Running Latex" is printed on the console and that's all.
> When I do a ps, I can see a lyx process and some gs processes but no
> latex process.
LyX doesn't freeze, you just need to have lots of patience...
This is a bug in the compiler (or actually, in libstdc++).
We will have a fix for this in 1.1.6fix3.
> Before lyx-1.1.6fix2, I used lyx-1.1.6fix1 and everything was OK.
There shouldn't be a difference between fix1 & fix2. Perhaps you updated your
compiler on your machine since you compiled fix1.