George De Bruin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Now, I see from a development point where it will be necessary to focus on
| one or two languages for the initial implementation / testing. But, as soon
| as that is done I think the support should be expanded to at least six or
| more languages to avoid any perception of bias.
Perfect way to split development effort and get nothing done...
| This is the same as the concept of GUI independence.
I do not quite agree, as said the scripting language would be used to
implement _core_ functionality in LyX. IMO there should be _one_
official scripting language that would need to have to be able to run
lyx. The scripting language would preferably we distributed with LyX.
_If_ someone would then like to use a different language with LyX that
could easily be done by having a module for the official scripting
... btw If we are not going to use the scripting language for _core_
functions, then we can just do with the lyx server as it is now.