On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 09:23:33PM +0000, Tarmo J?rvi wrote:
> Hello,
> First, I guess this is more LaTeX related, but please help me if you know something
>about this.. Ok, I have a long section name which gets
> hyphenated, like this:
> A Very Long Section Na-
> me
> And that's ugly. If I simply add a line break in the middle, everything's ok. Except
>in the TOC, where the section name also has line break although it isn't necessary
>(and it drops last TOC entry to the next page). So, my question is: how I can define
>different names for a section to TOC and to the actual text.
You can use \section[short name]{long name} in latex mode.
However, a better solution is to globally disable hyphenation inside section
commands by putting the following lines in the preamble:
\renewcommand{\section}[1]{{\raggedright\hyphenpenalty=10000 \oldsection{#1}}}
You then won't need to put line breaks in your sections!