>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Stansell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Paul> Hi, When using lyx version 1.1.6fix2 with the preferences set to
Paul> give white text on a black background the background of eps
Paul> figures is also set to black so that I have black on black in
Paul> the eps figures (because they are, typically, black on white
Paul> when printed) making them invisible.
The problem is that nobody wants to work on the figure inset anymore,
because it is being rewritten for 1.2.0. A hack is probably as
follows: go in file src/insets/figinset.C, line 469, and replace
"LColor::background" by, for example "LColor::white". Then recompile
If this works, I'll try to add a new configurable color for graphics.
Paul> PS. I submitted a similar question to this mailing list on 14
Paul> Feb 2001 in relations to v1.1.6fix1 (I had no responses) and I'm
Paul> still having the same problem with v1.1.6fix2.
Sorry about that. In fact, I kept you question in my mail folder but
never answered...