On 2/26/25 12:18 PM, Joseph Burkhart via lyx-users wrote:

I have used LyX off and on for the past five years, and messed around with custom Layouts and Document Classes, but I still very much consider myself a newbie. I'm curious about how I might make footnotes which are located inside of a paragraph be rendered at the end of that paragraph - in case it's not clear, by "rendered", I mean displayed within the editor window, not within the final PDF. I sometimes draft documents that contain a lot of inline footnotes, and I want to be able to read the main text without interruptions while still being able to consult footnotes whenever I want. If I have to collapse and expand footnotes over and over again, it breaks up my train of thought. For this reason, I often find myself drafting footnote-heavy material in MS Word and copying it into LyX manually once I'm satisfied with it. Gross, I know.

The point is, I personally would find this alternative footnote rendering very useful. My question, then, is whether this functionality that could be achieved within LyX's Layout system, or whether I would need to write it  at the C++ level and contribute it directly to LyX's source code. I'm not trying to ask for anyone to come up with a prototype or implementation, just suggestions.

I don't believe this is doable with the layout system. However, it is possible to make footnotes less visible, by changing the 'decoration', which can be done via layouts. You might try the Minimalistic style, or changing the "Foot" label.

In terms of opening and closing insets, on the view menu, there is a "Close All Insets" option, which can help here too.


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