Hello everyone.
I had this problem. In the Math.lyx help file, in section 23, Computer Algebra 
Systems, I find written: "LyX offers the exchange between mathematical 
expressions written in LyX's math editor and external applications or user 
defined scripts. Currently supported applications are Maple, Mathematica, 
Maxima and Octave. Note that the set of supported mathematical constructs is 
limited only to very simple cases." In subsection 1 (Usage), it says: "Write 
some expression in a formula, go to the Edit->Math->Use Computer Algebra System 
menu and choose the application you have installed on the computer." Now, it 
happens that in my installation (version 2.4.3), the Edit menu does not have 
the Math item, nor anywhere else.
Does anyone know if this item has been removed?
Thanks in advance.
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