> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Kimberly Heck <rikih...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 12:40 PM
> To: Brian Kneller <b.knel...@btinternet.com>; lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> Subject: Re: A4 - A3 graphics
> On 2/11/25 8:40 AM, Brian Kneller wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > One of the comments I have received on my thesis, prepared using LyX,
> is the legibility of some of the A4 diagrams which by neccessity are
> detailed. The document has been presented in PDF format with a default
> of A4. The request was made for some diagrams  to be in A3. I am not
> sure how the ergonomics of this would work if these were embeded in an
> A4 document. Is there a solution to this  ?
> There are various ways to do this, but maybe the easiest is just to add
> the diagrams manually to the PDF. There are various programs that allow
> you to insert pages into existing PDFs; any one of them will do.
> For a LaTeX solution, see
> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/21296/a3-pages-within-a4-doc
> Riki

Is the reason for wanting the A3 size for actual physical printing, or just so 
the diagram is more legible when you electronically zoom into the diagram?
For printing, Riki's suggestions for putting the same diagram file on a larger 
page *might* help, but for electronic zooming in the diagram image has to start 
off great.
Consider the diagram/graphics source files as provided to LyX/LaTeX.  Are those 
source files raster (JPG/BMP/TIF), SVG or postscript (PS/EPS)?  Raster files do 
not generally get better when stretched in electronic form (zoom), unless they 
start off with _lots_ of pixels (think at least 9600x13200 on A4).  SVG and 
*some* PS/EPS files can be zoomed into _almost_ infinitely, and are generally 
much smaller (data wise) for the same quality as a full page Raster would be.

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