I was about to suggest something like this.

I also find it looks better  to declare the first and fourth columns
left aligned, the second and third decimal aligned. Then I would make
the Header fields multicolumns each and center aligned.

You turn the Table Toolbar on, put the cursor into a column and then use
the Table Toolbar to do that/

Finally center the whole table.

But then beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


On 2025-01-31 19:24, Paul Rubin wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 7:26 PM A-Imam Al-Sammak>>
<imam.sam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Eberhard I have a table that has one of the columns entries 
>> that has a long sentence. With default settings the table expands 
>> outside the page margin. I want to be able to fix column width 
>> such that the entry vacancy spans over vertically. An example 
>> table is attached.
> Put the cursor in the right hand column (any row), right-click and 
> select "Settings...". In the "Table Settings" tab, change the 
> "Width:" select control to "Custom", pick your preferred method of 
> expressing the width in the right-hand select control, and fill in 
> the desired width in the middle box. I've attached a modified 
> version in which I set the width of the right column somewhat 
> arbitrarily.
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\begin_layout Title
AI tools use

\begin_layout Standard
There are several AI tools:

\begin_layout Itemize

\begin_layout Itemize

\begin_layout Itemize

\begin_layout Standard
DeepSeek is a Chinese product and it is the latest to enter this market.

\begin_layout Standard
Although all of tehm can do normal search,
 DeepSeek is excellent for scientific work as it is the only one that you can 
attach a circuit (JPEG,
 so far) which will it will read and understand.
 It will solve it as well mostly correct,
 for example I gave it my book example 1.8 and solved it for me (with little 
 I think due use of exact values,
 it also uses 
\begin_inset Formula $V_{T}=26\,mV$

 instead of 
\begin_inset Formula $V_{T}=25\,mV$

 I used).
 The results were as follows:

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\align center
\begin_inset Tabular
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My results

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\begin_inset Formula $A_{v}$


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\begin_inset Formula $-75.5$


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\begin_inset Formula $77$


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rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $V_{T}=26\,mV$

 instead of 
\begin_inset Formula $V_{T}=25\,mV$

 + using exact values

<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $A_{i}$


<cell alignment="decimal" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout


<cell alignment="decimal" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset Formula $-21.3$


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\begin_layout Plain Layout


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