I'm again writing an IEEE conference paper, and trying to get fonts right.
I've been selecting non-TeX fonts, because xetex and luatex are the new
cool kids in town and would seem to be the way of the future.  After trying
kpfonts and the TeX Gyre, and a couple of others, I tried going back to TeX
defaults and discovered I really liked the original look better.  After
discussing the matter with chatgpt I found that I could simple add


to select NewCMfonts. This gives me the same classic look of TeX CM fonts
but with all the features of XeTeX or LuaLaTeX. Not sure what those
features are, except the ability to use unicode as the input encoding (not
that I actually need it, but it's new and cool, right?)

So this seems like a pretty good default to me, maybe LyX should directly
support it.


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