Hmmmm... It seems that i did have something to do with me "editing" the pdf 
with MS Edge.
I opened the newer version of the pdf with Adobe Reader, and then "printed" it 
to a new pdf with "Microsoft print to pdf". Then I used this version a a figure 
in Lyx.
Now both the LyX preview and the actual output showd the correct version of the 
Any idea how this behaviour can be explained (and avoided)? Is this some kind 
of bug? Since LyX showed me the correct version, but gave me the wrong version 
in the pdf-output.

Van: lyx-users <> namens Stef Pillaert 
Verzonden: maandag 23 december 2024 10:19
Aan: lyx-users <>
Onderwerp: PDf-picture: wrong result?

Dear LyX-specialists
(LyX, Windows11)
I'm having a weird problem: I have a figure, a pdf file of 1 page. Recently I 
changed this pdf-file. In LyX, I see the new version, but in the output I keep 
seeing the old version. I even tried to change the name of the pdf-file itself, 
pointing LyX to the new file with the new name (showing me in Lyx the correct 
preview), but in the final pdf-output I keep getting the old version of the 
I must be making some silly mistake, I presume. (At some stage I tried if it 
had something to do with long filenames in deeple nested directories, but that 
doesn"t seem to be the problem).
Or could it be that some "temp"-file is still alive "behind the scenes", that I 
should try deleting?
(Probably nothing to do with my problem, but: I did change the original pdf by 
opening it in Microsoft Edge, so that I could write something on it manually, 
and then saving the new version again to pdf.)
Any suggestions where I could look to solve this weird problem?
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