using lyx 2.4 on Windows 10 Laptop, I write in Hebrew. the error message I get when compiling some lyx documents is: "Missing glyphs!" - "Missing character: There is no (U+000A) in font David/OT:language=dflt;mapping=tex-text;!"
I've tried using the fonts "Ariel" and instead (which according to google supports this newline character) but I get the same error. now to the weird stuff, I tried to get a minimal working example but I couldn't: I have a document that produces this error when I compile it, I painstakingly removed parts from it until the error no longer appeared, it was just after a float figure and a subsubsection* just under it, if I left it in the file I would get the error, but if I removed it the error would disappear, so I pasted the figure and the subsubsection* into a new document with the same preamble and same documents settings but no error! the funny thing is that I have this error on multiple files and each time it seems like a different reason but when I try to isolate the problem it doesn't show up (feels like quantum physics lol). so far I've had it in this document as I explained, in few other documents with ERT environments, and some others with just text. any idea as to how I can solve this problem? Thanks in advance,
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