On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 12:29 PM Pavel Sanda <sa...@lyx.org> wrote:

> It looks like as if imagemagick libraries were not present when your
> lyx binary was compiled.
> Can you tell us more about your platform (OS and how did you get lyx
> installed)?
> Pavel

I'm on Windows 10 I installed texlive and then lyx and installed the
relevant packages, (I followed a manual to download it with Hebrew
configuration which it does automatically, I'll explain here the steps the
manual explains) in the texlive I downloaded the medium scheme, In N of
collection I removed "context and packages" and instead marked "other
languages", then when it finished installation in the texlive shell I
downloaded the packages "zref",
"bidi","titlesec","relsize","esint","doublestroke", "bigfoot", and some
more dedicated ones for my use.

this is everything I've done in the installation of texlive (followed the
hebrew guide to lyx) the lyx installation was the default one (just marked
hebrew as a language as well)

thanks in advance for the help,

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