On 10/19/24 9:36 AM, Andreas Plihal via lyx-users wrote:
Dear community,
unfortunately, I have not received an answer to my query. I have solved it in the meantime. But I'm afraid my solution is not sustainable. Immediately afterwards, another similar problem arose that I can no longer solve with my previous tricks.

I am going to guess that you have not gotten an answer because your design requirements are somewhat uncommon. I myself almost never use figures, and have never used wrapbox.

In any event, this sounds more like a LaTeX question than a LyX question. That is: The first question to ask is "How would you do this in LaTeX"? Once you know the answer to that question, then you can figure out (or ask again) whether that combination is supported in LyX itself or has to be done with ERT. I'd suggest asking the LaTeX question on Stack Exchange or some similar place. I know that there are often LyX questions there, too, so you could probably ask both questions there.


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