> On 15 Oct 2024, at 21:59, Murat Yildizoglu <myi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello dear friends,
> With the last update (Version, Tuesday, September 24, 2024) my Lyx 
> documents have stopped showing the graphics on the screen even if I checked 
> "Display graphics" in the Look & Feel/Display preference setting. And the 
> draft mdoe is not checked in the graphics properties Latex & Lyx options. 
> I use lyx with the last version of  MacOS Sonoma on a Macbook Air M1.
> Do you have any idea why they are hiding now?
> Thank you very much for your lights, I am in the dark :-)
> Best,
> Murat

No idea on this issue? 

Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

University of Bordeaux
Bordeaux School of Economics (UMR CNRS-INRAE 6060)
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex



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