On 10/12/24 7:37 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
I would say that this is a bug that we should fix
In the sense of changing the shortcut or changing the behavior described?
The toggling thing actually might be good, though I'm not sure how to
implement that.
Le 12 octobre 2024 20:59:45 GMT+02:00, Andrew Parsloe <ajpars...@gmail.com> a
écrit :
I think it makes more sense to associate M-c CursorRight (M-c = Alt+C on my
computer) with the command sequence
command-sequence word-lowcase; word-capitalize
since this uppercases the first letter of a word and lowercases the remainder
irrespective of whether the word is initially in lowercase or uppercase. The
present setting (word-capitalize) has no effect on a word that is uppercased
throughout, leaving the 2nd, 3rd etc. letters in uppercase.
Richard Kimberly (Riki) Heck
Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Linguistics
Brown University
Pronouns: they/them/their
Website: http://rkheck.frege.org/
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