That looks like a version of the errors I've been encountering for a while:

The current best guess is that it's some problem with the installation,
possibly an older package you have that conflicts with whatever LyX is
doing. One thing to try is to temporarily move your texmf directory
(assuming you have one in your home folder) somewhere else and try to
compile the doc again.

Also, see if you can compile the Embedded Objects manual that comes with
LyX (click on Help>Embedded Objects).That's a file I cannot compile without
encountering multiple missing bracket and $ errors.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 1:22 AM A-Imam Al-Sammak <>

> Dear all
> I have a file which was working fine. Recently, it gave me the following
> error. I searched for '$' and deleted it but the error persists. I even
> copied the text containing '$'  and it was working fine. Any suggestions?
> Best regards.
> A-Imam
> [image: image.png]
> --
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