On 9/19/24 4:26 AM, Andreas Plihal via lyx-users wrote:
Dear community,
the conversion of even the simplest LYX files ends with an abort due to an error:

! LaTeX Error: Mismatched LaTeX support files detected.

(LaTeX) Loading 'expl3.sty' aborted!


(LaTeX) The L3 programming layer in the LaTeX format

(LaTeX) is dated 2024-08-16, but in your TeX tree the files require

(LaTeX) at least 2024-08-30.

I think I updated the packages in my MikTex console during a conversion. I shouldn't have done that ...

Yes, your TeX installation looks corrupted. I guess the thing to try would be uninstalling it and then reinstalling. When doing that, you might try TeXLive, which is, in our experience, more stable.


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