On 9/1/24 12:33 PM, Alex Boche wrote:
I did find a solution. [I wasn't sure of the etiquette as far as closing a solved thread.]

It's helpful, in case someone else has the same issue. Even months later, and searches the list.

The key is to put a label inside the Subequation box but outside the math environment. Then put labels on individual lines the math environment. Then you can reference either the whole subequation (e.g. 1) or individual lines (e.g. 1.1, 1.2, etc.).

I thought you had wanted there to be a visible number for the whole thing. I'm not sure I'd have figured out the solution anyway, though.


 On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 11:24 AM Richard Kimberly Heck <rikih...@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 8/23/24 2:34 PM, Alex Boche wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Lyx newbie here.
    > I'd like to write an optimization problem with an objective on the
    > first line and constraints on subsequent lines (picture below).
    > But I'd like a number label on the full problem and separate number
    > labels on some (or all) lines. What is the best way to do this
    in Lyx?
    > I see some stuff about Subequations in the manual but I don't
    see how
    > to get the number for the whole problem, in addition to the lines.

    The subequation stuff is a bit of a hack. Honestly, I don't know
    how to
    do this even in LaTeX; I suspect that LyX will not natively support
    whatever the solution might be. Complex constructs sometimes have not
    been implemented, just because no-one yet found a need.


Richard Kimberly (Riki) Heck
Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Linguistics
Brown University

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