Richard Kimberly Heck said on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 12:04:12 -0400

>On 7/15/24 11:35 AM, Neal Becker wrote:
>> I just had the misfortune to need to convert from a docx file, which 
>> included math, to lyx.  I tried the builtin import and was
>> pleasantly surprised!  It worked great, converting math and all
>> sorts of formatting correctly. Considering MS can't even seem to
>> read and render it's own math, that's impressive!  
>We appreciate the sentiment, but the conversion is actually being done 
>by some other program for which we are not responsible. You can find
>out which program by looking at Tools> Preferences> File Handling> 
>Converters. Here, it is wvCleanLatex, which is part of wvWare.

Is there a converter to bring a book written in WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS,
CLI) into LyX? I have such a book.


Steve Litt
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