On 6/20/24 10:07, Michael Dean Pugh wrote:
I am having problems with LyX 2.4 that are so great that I don't even
know where to begin to sort them out. I have a LyX file which
contains all the math macros I use regularly. I have included (with
\input) it at the very top of another document which is a LyX master
document, containing only a title page, toc, lof, references to five
child LyX documents (chapters. and here I used \include), and
bibliography (thru natbib). I am using svmono as the class file. I
used to have references to the macro file at the top of the five
chapter files too, but this was apparently causing compilation
problems, so I removed them. But because the child (chapter) files
were referencing the master document, which still contained the macro
file as a child, they could still see the macros (bravo: that is
exactly how it ought to work).
Yesterday, when I left school, this was working fine. I saved
everything and returned this morning and now nothing is working (this
is not the only problem I am having, but I can only deal with one at
time). Now, when I try to compile the child documents individually
they give LaTeX errors saying that the macros are not defined. But
the macros still work inside of LyX—it's LaTeX (well, technically,
XeTeX) that is causing the problem.
When you compile a child by itself, it is treated as its own standalone
document. So it's not a surprise that the macros in the master are being
ignored. Note that there is another option: Compile the master, but only
with certain children included. Have a look at Document> Settings> Child
Documents. This uses \includeonly behind the scenes.
I'd be curious exactly what compilation problems are being caused by
including the macro file multiple times. The LyX macros go into LaTeX as
\global\long\def, and redeclaring that should not by itself cause a problem.
If I put the references to the macro file back in the child documents,
they compile individually (if I take out bibliography citations—this
is one of the other problems), but then the master document will not
compile. It doesn't even given an error—it just goes forever into
compile mode (wheel on task bar spins indefinitely).
This, of course, should not happen. At this abstract level, it's hard
even to guess why it might be. You are welcome to send me the documents,
privately, if you wish, and I can have a look. You might also try
simplifying the documents as much as you can, to try to localize the
problem. (Obviously, do this on a copy.)
I guess I may as well include the bibliography problem here because it
may be related. In LyX, the chapters can "see" the bibliography
entries just by referencing the master document if there is a
\printbibliography command somewhere in the master. I can see all the
included entries when adding a citation and select what I want, just
as it should work. But when I compile the chapters individually, I
get "citation undefined" errors in spite of this. Compiling the
master (if I remove the macro references from the chapters) works fine.
I have to believe that I should be able to include references to
macros and bibliography in the master only and still be able to
compile the chapters individually, especially since that functionality
exists inside of LyX. Only when trying to compile do problems come
up. And I could have sworn all this was working yesterday, so I am at
a loss as to what happened. How is this supposed to work?
See above on how compiling children works. If you really want to compile
the children standalone, then you need to include the bibliography in
the children but wrap it in some kind of conditional code, so it isn't
included multiple times. This can also be done for macro includes, or
anything else. Roughly:
% LyX bibliography goes here
I should perhaps add that this may work a bit differently with biblatex.
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