Maybe I’ve got old eyes, too… A dark blue (marine?) color would fit nice with 
the grey menue.

From: lyx-users <> On Behalf Of Stef Pillaert
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 4:20 PM
To: lyx-users <>
Subject: colours of the docuement tabs

A small one:
When I have a lot of documents opened, the active one has a white background 
(here the user guide is active). To me, I am misled every now and then, not 
always clearly seeing what the active document is (probably my old eyes 😉):

  *   Can I change this background color to something different, so the 
difference with the other tabs is clearer? I tried to change some colors in the 
preference dialog->Look and feel->colors, but didn't find the correct color 

  *   It gets more confusing when the mouse pointer is (by accident or 
willingly) over the active tab: then the color seems to be almost the same as 
the inactive ones. Below, User Guide is still the active document.
Can I change these colors one way or another? It would save me from working in 
the "wrong" document every now and then 🙂

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