> 11 juni 2024 kl. 15:51 skrev Christopher Menzel <chris.men...@gmail.com>:
>> I have spent hours trying to figure out how one might be able to run BOTH 
>> LyX 2.4 and LyX 2.3.8 on the same Mac computer with a Silicon chip and Mac 
>> OS 14.5. No luck finding any useful information about this issue.
>> Is this possible?
> ...
> If all you want to do is install both versions of LyX, then, assuming you 
> currently have LyX 2.3.8 installed, just open the Applications folder on your 
> machine and rename LyX.app to “LyX 2.3.8.app” and then install LyX 2.4. I 
> think the only issue is that LyX 2.3.8 will look in ~/Library/Application 
> Support/LyX-2.3 for its support files (personal bind files, personal 
> spellcheck files, etc) and LyX 2.4 will look in ~/Library/Application 
> Support/LyX-2.4 so those could get out of sync. (You could probably create 
> symlinks in your LyX-2.3 folder to keep things in sync but you can kick that 
> can down the road for now.)

I have used a setup like that for over a year with no problem. No Symlinks or 
anything, just calling one app LyX, and the other LyX-23 (or whatever).

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