I don't really know how to create a suitable layout for the sn-jnl class.
Generally, I use the template article or ams article to write articles, but
in this case, they are asking me to use the class sn-jnl. I have also tried
importing the sn-article.tex example file into a Lyx file, but it seems
that Lyx cannot import it (I am attaching a screenshot).

[image: image.png]

El mar, 4 jun 2024 a las 19:57, Richard Kimberly Heck (<rikih...@gmail.com>)

> On 6/4/24 11:55, Sergio Celani wrote:
> >
> > Dear community,
> >
> > Many thanks for the new release of LyX. I have been using it
> > extensively and without any problems.
> >
> Thanks! Good to know.
> > I am currently writing an article for a Springer journal and I am
> > required to use the Springer Nature LaTeX class. Is there a LyX
> > template available for this class? I have tried to create a layout for
> > this class but I have not been successful.
> >
> What problems did you run into?
> Riki
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