On Wed, 6 Mar 2024, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

You redefined all the headings and footers and didn't include the page


I don't see where the page number should be defined. Attached is a similar
document from last May. The page layout style is 'plain' and the preamble
contains this:
\lehead{Biological Evaluation}
\rohead{Biological Evaluation}
\refoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}
\lofoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}

When I print page 2 of that document the header text, footer text, and page
number all appear with horizontal lines separating them from the text area.
See attached,

In the MWE the page layout is the same (plain) and I added the
automark*{Section} to the preamble. But only the header text (no separating
horizontal line) appears.

Where else might there be a difference? I'm not seeing it in the settings.



Attachment: example-page.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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