> I would to get a good pdf output from my lyx document.
> I've converted postscript with ps2pdf, but it didn't look good (at
> least within the acrobat reader), eventhoug it was ok when printed.
Try changing the font to Times from within LyX. This was the advice
I got from this list when I had the same problem. It looks fine in
Acrobat Reader with that font family.
> Is it possible to get directly the pdf version, without to use ps2pdf?
> As far as i know now, it should possible with the 1.1.6 release.
> However, when I installed it, I wasn't able to do it.
I'm running LyX on Win32 and got this option directly. I have
MiKTeX installed here. 1..1.6 displayed options to export to PDF
upon installation, so I assume it was able to detect the necessary
utilities on its own. Does your PATH setting include your TeX
- IT