On 7 Nov 2023, at 16:19, Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 10:07:56AM -0700, Tim Garrett wrote:
>> I’m near the point that I have to abandon LyX after using it religiously as
>> an academic since 2000 (when it was kLyX-0.12). That makes me *very* sad.
>> The problem is that as a paragraph gets longer, the cursor gets slower. The
>> paragraph doesn’t have to be very long (e.g. a few sentences) for this to be
>> a significant issue. A single paragraph of plain text could be the only
>> thing in the document.
>> Thanks to those who have helped previously but still no progress. Scouring
>> forums, I see others with similar problems but no obviously pertinent
>> solutions.
>> Many, many thanks for any further advice.
>> What I have tried:
>> 1. Full reinstall including deleting prior LyX-2.3 folder in Application\
>> Support
>> 2. Reconfiguring
>> 3. Adding to preferences \force_paint_single_char false
> That sounds like a very frustrating experience.
> Have you tried a pre-release of 2.4.0? I forget if you've already tried
> it. It might make things a bit better, and the final release of 2.4.0 is
> not too far away.
> Best,
> Scott
> -- 
> lyx-users mailing list
> lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users

I am using 2.3.7 on macOS Sonoma (and before that on Monterey) and I do not 
experience any slowdown. My document is over 1000 pages split into less than 10 
files. It certainly contains paragraphs which are much longer than a few 
sentences. So I presume that  it could be an issue with your configuration. 

In your preferences I noticed:

# LyX 2.0.4 generated this file. If you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save.

Format 1

Just a stab in the dark as I do not know anything about the inner workings of 
LyX, but could it have anything to do with that old version of LyX and the very 
old Format number?

LyX is painfully slow on my Windows computer, but this is a 5 year old Pentium 
Surface Go, which was severely underpowered even when it was brand new. Event 
on that machine I did not experience any dependence on the length of the 

Best regards, Marcus
lyx-users mailing list

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