On 6/29/23 10:53, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:
Dear friends,
I have upgraded from beta2 to beta3 today and I have the impression that I am 
meeting problems: a document I was able to compile with beta3 gives strange 
Before bothering you with these errors and me by preparing a small example, I 
would like to try to compile my document with beta2. Can I downgrade? Is beta2 
compatible with the document format of beta3? The preferences are compatible 
too (but this is not a problem because I have zipped my old preferences folder 
before installing beta3)?
The beta3 file format is different from the beta2 format. So you'd have 
to use lyx2lyx to convert any file you saved with beta3. This is less 
complicated than it sounds. Save the lyx2lyx directory from the beta3 
version before you uninstall it. Then after you reinstall beta2, copy 
that directory into place. It's just python so text files, so this will 
work. I think. Worst case, you can run lyx2lyx from the command line to 
do the conversion.

lyx-users mailing list
  • Lyx 2.4 beta3 Murat Yildizoglu
    • Re: Lyx 2.4 beta3 Richard Kimberly Heck

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