Am 15.06.23 um 14:40 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
with lyx2lyx my.lyx
I get a converted LyX file with LyxFormat 613. But reading this file with
LyX 2.4 it stops the input at
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
nolink "false"
LatexCommand ref
reference "abb1-1"
If you manually remove that chunk in a text editor, does LyX 2.4 then open it?
At the first try to open that file I get always the error message
"incompatible command".
The second try (_without_ restarting lyx) has the same problem with
the _next_
"CommandInset ref" whereas the "CommandInset label" are ok.
iMac:texmf-local voss$ `which python` --version
Python 3.11.3
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