One of my books, which a couple weeks ago compiled just fine, now errors out as follows:'
Argument of \eqref has an extra }. By MWEing the created TeX file and running LuaLaTeX on it, I found that the problem disappears when I commented out \input refstyle , except that *then* other problems happened. I found nothing about refstyle in any of my document settings, nor in my layout file. Looking at my LyX file in Vim, I found the following line: \use_refstyle 1 So in the editor I changed the 1 to 0, saved and ran LyX again. This time I got an error on almost every \ref, or at least about 10 of them. So here are my questions: 1) Did something change about the refstyle package in the last few weeks? 2) Did LyX make a change that affected how the refstyle package works? 3) Within the LyX user interface, where can I see the configuration that affects the usage of the refstyle package? Thanks, SteveT Steve Litt Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times -- lyx-users mailing list