Neal Becker said on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 10:09:00 -0500 >I'm just playing with lyx-2.4 beta (thanks for providing the copr on >Fedora!). >How do I customize so that lualatex is used when I hit C-r?
I'm a huge fan of LuaLaTeX but it does have one disadvantage: It takes (subjectively) about twice as long to compile a LaTeX document to PDF. Most people don't care whether the occasional LyX=>PDF takes 30 second or 50 seconds because they do this so rarely, but in my case my book fulfillment process compiles the doc for every eBook emailed out. Because of this extra time, I haven't hurried to make *all* my books compile with LuaLaTeX. Note that my finding is subjective and anecdotal, so more info is needed. SteveT Steve Litt Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times -- lyx-users mailing list