> > Hey,
> > 
> > I am using Lyx 1.1.6fix1 with Suse Linux 7.1. When I worked with Lyx,
> > Lyx is sometimes not able to delete his files in /tmp. Lyx says, that
> > it can't delete them because they doesent't exist. So I have to kill the
> > process.
> what do you have in
> Bearbeiten->Einstellungen->Einagbe->Pfade->Temporäres Verzeichnis

it was /tmp and I changed it now to a tmp-dir in my home-dir. Perhaps
it was a problem with the permissions. Thank you for the fast response.
I will try it out in the next days!  

Th. Grohte
Julius-Vogel-Straße 36
44149 Dortmund
Tel.: 0231-5310521

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