On 8/29/22 17:28, Christopher Menzel wrote:
Howdy LyX folk,
Simple question. When I’m working on my laptop (or frankly anything
short of a 27” monitor) I display my documents use PDF (cropped) to
strip away unneeded marginal whitespace. Is there a way to set up a
keyboard shortcut to update my cropped PDFs? Something that will
trigger the action I get by selecting “Update PDF (cropped)” from the
little “recycle” icon? The only shortcut function that seems to work
for updating is “pdf2” and that produces a full-size PDF. I’ve looked
through all the documentation I could find and did a bunch of googling
but to no avail.
Chris Menzel
You can bind a key combo to "buffer-update pdf7". If you want another
shortcut for generating the initial cropped PDF file, bind that one to
"buffer-view pdf7". If that doesn't work, go to Tools > Preferences... >
File Handling > File Formats, selected "PDF (cropped)" in the "Format:"
drop-down list, and make sure the "Short name:" field on your system
reads "pdf7".
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