Am Freitag, dem 29.04.2022 um 00:18 +0100 schrieb Trevor Jenkins:
> I have a number of (old) LyX files that use the Tufte Handout class
> (tufte-handout.cls). In LyX version 2.0 these were formatted
> correctly that is the citation of a reference appears in marginalia;
> numbered in sequence with formal sidenotes. However, for new and
> modified files the most recent LyX version breaks this
> behaviour! A reference is placed in the text and the citation only
> appears in the bibliography at the end of the final document.
> Depending on exactly which style of reference is selected via Insert
> > Citation the reference may also be incorrect and appear as
> {author?}. But none of the styles available via Insert > Citation
> give the documented result that Tufte Handout is supposed to produce.
> This breakage makes LyX useless for me as I only use Tufte Handout
> (and have no interest or desire to use a different LaTeX class in its
> place).

Could you please provide an example document?


> Regards, Trevor.
> <>< Re: deemed!

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