Am 16.03.2022 um 21:27 schrieb Hal Kierstead via lyx-users 
> All -
> I have many preference settings that I would like to transfer to a new 
> MacBook Pro. What is the approved way to do this?

The way to go is to restore your complete user from a time machine backup, IMO. 
In the past I restored the whole system from TM backup and did a system update 

I have much more settings (e.g. the private key rings etc.) to copy. LyX is the 
smallest problem.

In case you want a fresh OS start you have to be more careful. I’m not sure 
anymore how I did it once - but it’s really not an easy task. Google is your 
friend. Another option is to use the Apple support you have for the initial 
time period of your new device.

> Can I just copy the preference file and bind file in Application 
> Support/LyX-2.3 from one computer to the other or what? Maybe I could copy 
> the whole LyX-2.3 folder? Along the same lines, what is the best way to keep 
> my LyX setup consistent across several computers. I use dropbox to sync files.

I don’t know. I never did that.

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