Several questions: -is File>Export>Lyx-Archive working for master/childs??
-Under formats (output format) 'Put fragile content out of moving argument' in the MASTER. what does it mean and is it needed also in the childs?
-in the childs there is a warning in outputting it to pdf > Included file `~/Dokumente/PUBLIKATIONEN-EIGENE/A-SP-2022/CHAPTER01.lyx' uses input encoding "auto-legacy" [Direct] while parent file uses input encoding "utf8" [Direct]. For both childs. Where and how can I remove this error?- Where do I have to place the bibliography in order to get the bibliography in the pdf file? At the time being I have it in all three lyx files, but not pdf output
Note that I use a special Bibliography setting biblatex-spbasic (but available in the menu there)
I use Debian and Lyx2.4.0dev and Jabref for the bib file Wolfgang
Description: application/lyx
Description: application/lyx
Description: application/lyx
@MastersThesis{Aanes2011, author = {Aanes, G.}, date = {2011}, institution = {Norwegian University of Science and Technology}, title = {Modelling of oscillative, rotational plant movements}, creationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, modificationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, owner = {wolfgang}, } @Article{Abbott2015, author = {Abbott, Sabra M. and Reid, Kathryn J. and Zee, Phyllis C.}, date = {2015}, journaltitle = {Psychiatr Clin North Am}, title = {Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders}, pages = {805--823}, volume = {38}, citation-subset = {IM}, completed = {2016-09-19}, country = {United States}, creationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, issn-linking = {0193-953X}, modificationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, nlm-id = {7708110}, owner = {wolfgang}, pmid = {26600110}, revised = {2015-11-25}, } @Article{Abraham2010, author = {Abraham, Ute and Granada, Adrian E. and Westermark, P?l O. and Heine, Markus and Kramer, Achim and Herzel, Hanspeter}, date = {2010}, journaltitle = {Mol Syst Biol}, title = {Coupling governs entrainment range of circadian clocks}, pages = {438}, volume = {6}, creationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, groups = {[we:], Imported MODELLE-WITTE-BUCH.bib}, modificationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, owner = {wolfgang}, pmid = {21119632}, timestamp = {2016.02.05}, } @Article{Akman2008, author = {Akman, Ozgur E. and Locke, James C. W. and Tang, Sanyi and Carré, Isabelle and Millar, Andrew J. and Rand, David A.}, date = {2008}, journaltitle = {Mol Syst Biol}, title = {Isoform switching facilitates period control in the \emph{{N}eurospora crassa} circadian clock.}, pages = {164}, volume = {4}, creationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, groups = {Imported MODELLE-WITTE-BUCH.bib}, medline-pst = {ppublish}, modificationdate = {2022-02-21T14:46:48}, owner = {wolfgang}, pii = {msb20085}, pmid = {18277380}, timestamp = {2015.12.12}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;}
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