Am Montag, dem 24.01.2022 um 09:53 -0300 schrieb jorge hernando via
> Hello
> We are two authors and one manuscript and we communicate by mail. One
> of us writes and submits the manuscript (written in one color, let us
> say black ink) to the other who makes his corrections (addenda,
> deletiones, etc). We do this in another color (say red) because we
> don't want to miss anything in the revision. But the only way I know
> in lyx to do that is: each time I want to insert something in the
> manuscript go to text style and put the color in red, and this
> happens each time I add anything. This procedure is boring and error
> prone. 
> Is there a procedure that do not alter the manuscript color  already
> written but once it has started everything we write is in red,
> independently of the relative location of each morsel?  

Document > Change Tracking > Track Changes.


> Thanks a lot
> Jorge Hernando

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  • two colors manuscript jorge hernando via lyx-users
    • Re: two colors manuscript Jürgen Spitzmüller via lyx-users

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