Ever since I upgraded to LyX (on Mac OS X 10.15.7) I have been having 
issues when I use “clip to coordinates” in the LyX: Graphics window. 
The bounding box of the on-screen LyX preview is different than the pdf output 
(using pdflatex). This worked fine when I was in LyX

I am using an external pdf file which gets converted to on-screen PNG with the 
following command in the converters for PDF (graphics) -> PNG
sips --resampleWidth 600 --setProperty format png $$i --out $$o

Below are two snippets from the Code Preview Pane for the exact same LyX file 
opened in each version.The same clipping coordinates are being converted to 
different values of the viewport parameter by the two different versions of LyX

LyX Does NOT output correct pdf file 
\item \textbf{Shear and Moment Diagrams}\\
For the simply-supported beam shown below: \\
\includegraphics[viewport=0bp 340bp 200bp 440bp,clip]{images/hw1_2022}

LyX DOES output correct pdf file 
\item \textbf{Shear and Moment Diagrams}\\
For the simply-supported beam shown below: \\
\includegraphics[viewport=0bp 316.965bp 186.3333bp 

I looked at the release notes for 2.3.6 and the only possibly related item I 
could find was 
"- Fix clipping of vector images and when exporting from command line  
(follow-up to bug 11180).”
but I could not find bug 11180 in the bug tracker, so not sure if this is 

Any ideas? 
For now I will revert to LyX

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