If I run the attached lyx file,I get an error:
Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font [LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]

show output anyway gives the attached pdf:

nuclear ancient Ca2+
(Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger)
Ca 2+ homeostasis
�Ca2+ dependent kinase

The exported luatex tex file was tested with this bash line (oneline!, thanks to people from the Linux User Group Tuebingen)

grep -P "[\xc2\x9c]" A-07-C.tex | grep --color=auto -P ".{0,2}[\xc2\x9c].{0,2}" > A.txt

and tells

%%Package inputenc Error: Unicode character œ (U+009C)
œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase

Could someone tell me, why in the first and the second line of the pdf file the Ca^2+ is shown correctly, whereas it is only shown correctly if I do not (3rd line) put it in mathrm (as done in the 4th line)

I also wonder whether this square/cross in front of the 4th line can be searched for under lyx, since it seems to mark extended regular expressions.


Attachment: ATEST.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: ATEST.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

%%Package inputenc Error: Unicode character œ (U+009C)
œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase
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