Dear LyX users,

(Actually, I suspect this is a question for Jürgen S., but on the off
chance that someone else knows the answer...)

I need to produce a diagram with the structure shown here. It was produced
using the obsolete xyling package (see the attached xyling_test files):
[image: tree_i_want.png]
All the nodes will have a lot of linguist-specific bells and whistles, like
IPA fonts and small caps and other stuff. XYling has not been updated in 15
years; I barely got the doc to compile. So, xyling is no good for what I

In the process of trying to work out how to make that tree happen in
forest, the package that LyX's linguistics module directly supports, I
concluded that I will need to use the "draw" functionality. But I can't
work out how to make the \draw commands work inside the tree insets. I
tried to follow an example from the forest manual (number (21) on p. 9 of
and realized that there is no obvious way to pass options in the
\begin{forest}  ... \end{forest} space beyond those that pertain to nodes
(i.e., appear inside the [ ] brackets). The options just get ignored, or
else prevent the PDF from being compiled.

Things I've tried:

1) Declaring forest overtly in the preamble and passing the whole
\begin{forest} ...\end{forest} block as ERT. That throws errors.

2) Using the native LyX forest support, and passing options as ERT inside
the Tree inset. I noticed in the code preview pane that the \draw backslash
is replaced with \textbackslash. I tried replacing the $s$ stuff with ERT,
too. The code pane preview looks correct, but the file does not compile,
throwing a bunch of errors along the lines of "Package pgfkeys Error:",
etc. (I assume people can reproduce these...)

Oh, also, I tried the example from the manual in TeXMaker to verify it
wasn't some oddity of my TeX installation, and it compiled okay (except for
the "background tree" option). It looked a lot more like what's in the
manual than anything LyX produced (attached).

So, yeah, I have a workaround in case it can't work--I could produce the
doc in LyX, then export to TeX and finish the lattice thing there. I was
just hoping there was an easier way.

Linux Mint 19.1
texlive ~2017


Attachment: xyling_test.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: xyling_test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: forest_eg.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: forest_eg.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: forest_test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

 [parent, grow=45
 [child 1][child 2][child 3][child 4][child 5]
 \draw[,->](forest cs:l=-1cm,s=0)--(forest cs:l=3cm,s=0) node[below]{$l$};
 \draw[,->](forest cs:s=-1cm,l=0)--(forest cs:s=3cm,l=0) node[right]{$s$};
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