Am 16.12.21 um 14:45 schrieb Pavel Sanda via lyx-users:
On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 09:49:29AM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:
Am 08.11.21 um 09:46 schrieb Saša Janiška:
On Mon, 8 Nov 2021 08:58:37 +0100
Herbert Voss <> wrote:
LuaHBTeX (HB for HarfBuzz) is the default engine for lualatex
Thank you since I was not aware of it despite it is being installed on
my Debian machine.
Otherwise, I was aware of LuaTeX since I was considering to use ConTeXt
instead of LyX/LaTeX...
I wrote everything with lualatex and use xelatex in only rare cases
and never use pdf(la)tex
Could anyone of the better informed review ?
Some of the claims (like LuaTeX is still in beta status) are unlikely to be
and they can shape LyX users base in a wrong direction...
That is wrong: LuaTeX ,and XeTeX too, are more or less frozen code, just
like TeX.
Only bugs will be fixed. There are no good reasons _not_ to use LuaTeX
of pdfTeX:
- no more fiddling around with the encoding, everything is UTF-8
- no more restrictions in using fonts, all current types are supported,
like pfb, ttf, utf, ttc, ...
- easy integration of the script language Lua into a document
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