Hi, i get an error ! Package biblatex Error: 'polyglossia' loaded after biblatex.
However, in the tex file it comes BEFORE the biblatex \usepackage{color} \definecolor{fg}{rgb}{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000} \definecolor{bg}{rgb}{0.980392,0.941176,0.901961} \pagecolor{bg} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage[variant=british]{english} \usepackage[style=biblatex-spbasic]{biblatex} \def\lyxlock{} I am not sure were in the LyX file polyglossia is set; should be another name. I use Komascript book style, Debian, Lyx 2.4.0 dev Question: Were in the lyx file can I correct the error? Wolfgang -- lyx-users mailing list lyx-users@lists.lyx.org http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users