On 2021-12-01 03:34, Melvin Bolton wrote:
Thank you to everybody who offered suggestions and tried to help with the problem described below. It steered me towards the ERT that I had placed immediately before the first chapter. What finally did the trick was to repeat the ERT \pagestyle {plain}  in the text, after the last word (as printed in output) of Chapter 1, page 1. After that, the page numbers appeared on every page footer in all 18 chapters, centred in Standard Class, and in the outers when I switched back to Koma.

Perhaps this simply countered an earlier error of some sort. I don't know but I hope this snippet will prove helpful to others at some point.

Thank you again


Great that it worked!

Just for completeness, I attach your test document with the changes I mentioned earlier.

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\begin_layout Chapter

\begin_layout Standard
Russel Strickland had never known real poverty, and never in the thirty
 years of his adult life had he recognized a clear distinction between work
 and play, he simply took daily life as he found it.
 It might be enjoyable, interesting, frustrating or merely tiring, but the
 hours spent producing money were not otherwise distinguishable from time
 spent serving any other purpose.
 Sometimes there was money in what he did and sometimes not.
 That was how it had always been and he considered himself lucky in comparison
 with those who spent so much of their lives waiting for weekends.
 The task that was occupying him that morning was thoroughly engrossing
 but he was not deriving any pleasure from it.
 Nor would it earn him a cent.

\begin_layout Standard
Hunched over the lifeless body, he muttered something to himself, and with
 scarcely a turn of his head, reached for a little sponge and dabbed at
 the blood that was pooling in the abdominal cavity.
 Stomach, pancreas and intestines had already been removed.
 Wiping his latex-gloved fingers less than thoroughly he then straightened
 up and turned to pick up a camera from a glass-topped table just a few
 steps behind him.
 The flash of a single exposure was an instant of brilliant light and deep
 shadow throughout the entire room.
 There were bookshelves, fridges, a workbench with an assortment of jars
 and other glassware on top, and something that looked like a dining-room
 sideboard upon which only a microscope could easily be identified.
 Possibly, if the whole room had been included in the picture, a sofa could
 have been made out in the deepest shadow.
 Clearly, it was not a room to be described in rental-home terms, even without
 the dead chimpanzee.

\begin_layout Standard
Setting aside the camera, he peered closely at the animal's ovaries, snipping
 them free and cupping each whitish little almond in the palm of his hand
 for a more detailed inspection.
 Evidently satisfied with what he saw, he cut away the hanging fringes of
 tissue and gently lowered both ovaries together into a shallow bowl of
 Now standing at the sink, he carefully tipped off the bloodied liquid and
 poured more water over them from a plastic bottle.
 He did this repeatedly until the water ran clear.
 Finally, he placed the dripping little organs in a plastic bag, knotted
 the top and packed them away in what appeared to be a well-insulated lunch-box.
 It was shortly after that when he heard the front door being opened and
 the sound of familiar footsteps in the little hall.

\begin_layout Standard
The dark-haired woman who appeared was about his own age with a complexion
 that some would have said was too pale.
 He glanced up and nodded an easy greeting.

\begin_layout Standard
She was frowning at the entrails in the bucket on the floor.
 `Find anything?' she asked conversationally.

\begin_layout Standard
His expression said he had not.
 `No, just the head wound, and I still wouldn't have thought it was enough
 to kill her.
 Probably just a bit of a squabble.
 At the gross level she seems to have been in good health.
 Heart and lungs looked fine.'

\begin_layout Standard
`Poor old Bess.
 That's really sad.'

\begin_layout Standard
`Not even old.
 She was in her prime.
 Anyway, there's no point in my doing much more of this and I'm not taking
 tissue samples; a full pathology report will cost a mint even at mate's

\begin_layout Standard
She sighed.
 `Do you need any help?'

\begin_layout Standard
`No, it's OK, Love.
 I'll just finish up and then I can get her outside on the trolley.
 I might need some help with the digging though; the ground's rock-hard
 over there.
 What time will Nick be back?'

\begin_layout Standard
`He has nothing after school this afternoon so I don't think he'll be late.'

\begin_layout Standard
 I'll crowbar and he can shovel.'

\begin_layout Standard
She smiled.
 `You might find he can out-do you with a crowbar.'

\begin_layout Standard
`You could well be right.
 We'll see how we go.'

\begin_layout Standard
She was now looking more closely at the opened body, her hands clasped under
 her chin as if to keep them out of the way.
 `I see you've already collected the ovaries.'

\begin_layout Standard
He indicated the lunch-box.
 `Just given them a saline wash.
 I'll get them to the Borradaile as soon as I'm done here.
 Time is a merciless thing, as they say, especially to bagged ovaries.' He
 was removing the liver and small spleen, both of which appeared to be perfectly

\begin_layout Standard
`Worth a try, I suppose, but only out of interest.
 Using her eggs for IVF won't be any help to me.
 Losing Bess is a real setback at a bad time.
 I've got paperwork piling up, too.' She raised an arm to exaggerate the
 size of the pile and sighed again.
 `Well you know where I'll be,' she said resignedly, and she left him alone.

\begin_layout Standard
As his wife took her leave, Strickland was deftly freeing a remaining kidney
 from its bed in the rear wall of the cavity.
 Again, he could see nothing amiss.
\emph on
\emph default
 he said to himself and began the task of clearing up.
 Within the hour he was washed and changed and interrupting the state of
 quiet concentration that Lynda had just managed to reach at her desk.

\begin_layout Standard


\begin_layout Standard

\begin_layout Chapter

\begin_layout Standard
Jim Bracewell, Russel's father-in-law, had grown up as poor as the proverbial
 church mouse but back in those days life had been hard for most people,
 and the generation before them had had it even worse.
 When Jim's own father had been in his early seventies he had ended up deliverin
g pamphlets, on foot and in all weathers, because he came cheaper than the
 postal service.
 He had coped with it for a few months but then died from pneumonia.
 Jim had now reached his seventies in quite good physical shape but poverty
 had left its mark on his psyche.
 People react differently to life's experiences; some might become wasteful
 and extravagant upon escaping from poverty but Jim had remained no less
 careful with his money and he wasted nothing.
 That is not to say he was miserly but he needed to see value for what he
 He also preferred a bird in the hand to any number in the bush, and had
 never needed religion to recruit him to the work ethic.
 Jim Bracewell was a man who called a spade a spade but never a shovel of
 any sort because he had always known the difference.

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