Sorry, went only to Kornel. Here the problem.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Why do two graphics next to each other in a float have a large
gap between them? WAS: Re: why is the tar.gz file extremely large?
Datum: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 16:02:24 +0100
Von: Wolfgang Engelmann <>
An: Kornel Benko <>
Am 16.11.21 um 11:53 schrieb Kornel Benko:
Am Tue, 16 Nov 2021 08:59:57 +0100
schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann <>:
I have two graphics next to each other in one figure float, both as .png
(obtained from pnm files which I got by scanning photographs). The pdf
file shows the figures with a large gap between them, although I did not
insert a horizontal space between them.
If I export the lyx file (which has 7.5kB) as a tar.gz, this file has
53.8 MiB. The size of the graphics are about 180 and 170
What is wrong with the graphics? Do I miss an additional program for
converting the graphic type?
I could provide the lyx and figures if somebody wants to check it.
I would try first
$ tar atvf tar.gz > to see the original sizes.
Thanks, Kornel.
I must have looked at the wrong tar.gz file. The correct one is indeed
just 350 kiB as expected by the size of the lyx file and the two figures.
But the pdf file shows still the figure with a large gap between the
graphics, although I did not insert a horizontal space between them.
So I change the topic to
Why do two graphics next to each other in a float have a large gap
between them?
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